Am 29.03.2012 wird Out of the Darkness bundesweit in Programmkinos zu sehen sein. Gleichzeitig erfolgt der Start auch in Österreich und die Schweiz im Vertrieb von Barnsteiner-Film.
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Out of the Darkness is an independent documentary about Nepali eye-surgeon Dr. Sanduk Ruit and and his American colleague Dr. Geoff Tabin, who trek to a remote village in the Himalayas carrying an entire hospital on porter's back. There they operate cataract-blinded patients who normally would not have any access to health-care services. With 25USD and 5 minutes per blinded eye they restore the sight of cataract-blinded people in developing countries with a quality that equals western standards where these operation cost between 1000 and 5000 USD. "Out of the Darkness" is Stefano Levi's debut feature documentary.